Archive for the 'D&D' Category

D&D: Yay for zero hit points

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007

Meet, Captain Simmons, a “drowned”. Radiating an aura of “drowning”.
Artemis drowns on the first round, and basically Sereven and Dos kill the captain while most of the rest of the party start drowning. Daud Dimension doors the dying members out of the way. Artemis is at negative one and the rest of the dying members stop at 0 hit points.
(Dying is 0 hit points -> -1 hit points -> dead).
As he died the captain said: “dread the autumn of man”.

100 gp of miscellaneous items and a spy glass (1000gp) in the Captain’s quarters and a treasure chest.
Inside the chest:
Stack of Gold – 1100
Green Emerald – 900
Ring – Scene of a shattered ship and waves, ring of floating = float on liquid and cannot swim below, if you’re underwater raise at a speed of 30ft/sec.
Wax Sealed Tube w/Scroll – Arcane Scroll of Sending.
Journal – Capitan’s Log

Meet an Ogre Patrolling the Area.
There were tracks leading East from the boat a few weeks back.
upon returning to the Orcish Village we learn that the tracks appear to lead to the Valley of the Titans. Where there are gentle giants and fierce guardians.

D&D: Brought to you by Chris’s Lecherous Alter Ego.

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

Find ship we were sent to find.

Fight some dead sailors guarding the ship.
And fight some Yellow Musk Plant. Gesshou and Dos fail fortitude saves and get shot in the face by pollen. Gesshou gets creepy plant up the nose, and after a complicated battle involving variations on leathal and non-lethal damage, and a classic musical montage of party members trying to trip each other battle ends.

Missing one mast of the ship.
No signs of how the ship got here.

Shoots coming out of the heads of the sailors. So throw into the fire.
On the ship, find holy symbols and harpoons from Kuo-toa.
Find 1000 gp worth of Spices in the ship.
In Capitan’s cabin, the walls are dripping with water. Inside, find captain’s animated corpse behind the desk. Sopping wet, as if it had crawled out of the water. Feel like drowning as one drawns in a breath.

D&D:Santa Fish w/ Seashell Bikini

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007

August 15th, head to docks to board boat to Pelican Bay.
Re-hired the Light of Bahamut, the same boat we took to Barracuda Bay, which we suddenly learned to be a Caravel.
Zook spends the day bonding with a weasel. It’s a recursive weasel… Good for touch spell delivery.

on day 3, we are attacked by Quoatoa, known to us as Jar-Jars led by Santa Fish. This time, they are accompanied by Monk Fish too.

Sereven fails a Will Save and starts attacking Artemis with her Human-bane staff and her Human-favored-enemy self… Artemis, hit, has black smoke coling out of her chest…
various exciting battle things… lalala… Evan’s Black Tentacles…Sereven’s head clears up.
(One round took over an hour)… Eventually they all die.

On bodies
2 Monks:
Potions – Bear’s Endurance – Dos, Dos
Potions – Bull’s Strength – Gesshou, Dos
Potions – Shield of Faith +3 – Lyra, Dos
Magic Leather Bracers around Wrists – Bracers of Armor +1, 1 Zook, 1 Sale
Magic Cloaks – Faint Abjuration – Cloak of Resistance +1 – Lyra, Artemis

4 Harpooners:
Magic M.W. Studded Leather – +1 Studded Leather – Sell
Magic M.W. Heavy Steel Shield, w/ sticky substance (one of them is not sticky) (sticky substance is a secretion, which often goes on shields, and is used in their martial arts) – +1 Heavy Steel Shield w/ goo – Sell
4 M.W. Harpoons – Sell
M.W. Crossbow – Sell
20 bolts. – Lyra

Santa Fish:
Magic at least M.W. Sea shell Armor (chain shirtish) – +1 Chain – Sell
Magic Mechanical Lobster Pincher Staff +1 – Hit someone, and start a grapple as a free action, no AO. Reach Weapon – 10ft. Exotic. 1d10+1 bludgeoning, 2 handed. – Sell 1310gp
M.W. Dagger – Sell
M.W. Crossbow – Sell
20 bolts – Lyra
Magic Cloak – Cloak of Resistance +1, Zook
Magic Phylactory – Phylactory of Faithfulness – 1000gp

D&D: From children’s toys* to roosters*

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

M.W. Large Scale Mail +1 – Dos
Broad Leather Belt w/ 3 moon stones: Faint Conjuration Healing – Sereven
M.W. Large Katana+1 – Sell
Potion of blur – Gessho
Potion of invisibility – Lyra
Jewelry – 800gp

Ring – of Protection +1
Leather Case w/ Wand – Magic Missile 10 charges cl: 5 – Zook
Leather Case w/ Scroll – Acid Damage Lightening Bolt cl:3 – Zook
Leather Case w/ Scroll – Scroll of Identify. – Zook
Small leather bag – Faint Conjuration – Bag of Tricks?? – Artemis
Light Crossbow – Sell
20 bolts <- Lyra Jewelry - 500gp Case w/ fine silver writing set - 200gp 1 book - Spell Book - see handouts... - Zook 1 book - Journal/My Diary - see handouts... - Zook Bugbears (medium) x4 M.W. Scale Mail - Sell M.W. Katana - Sell Shortbow - Sell 20 arrows <- split between Artemis and Sereven Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Empty Vial <- 1 for Lyra, 3 for Da'ud Tabard - Sell Celebration post massacar and looting. Given certificates as Heroes of Dobson's point. We stay for the evening and are given medals the next day. Back in Angels, we go to the broken mandolin and find out that Rolan (dude from Baja trip) was by looking for us, and will be back tomorrow. On our way back to the Greenglens, Zook notices that the emblem of the district they live in, the Whitetower District, looks like the midnight college. And we finally contribute to the Greenglen household by buying 10gp worth of groceries. Some offline shopping will have gone on here. Going to the broken mandolin in the early evening to meet Rolan again, we wear the "new" medals we got. w/Rolan is a large conspicuous looking man in a cloak. Who makes an unnaturally straight B-line to the door. Sereven spills beer all over him and identifies that he's wearing studded leather armor. Lyra searches him with her eyes, and finds a Great Sword which looks relatively unused, he also has a bow. He gives Sereven the hand and leaves. Lyra gets Zook to cast invisibility and follows him. He was looking at a Silver Head Piece. Looked around for someone following him, hid the head piece in an interior pocket. He leaves the city for the town of Gelholand. Meanwhile back at the bar. Rolan is trying to give us a job. One of the adventuring groups Rolan hired previously hadn't made it. Rolan would like us to find the package and deliver it to the north. They know where the ship is, but not where the package is, in Pelican Bay ~650 miles N.W. of the City (approx. San francisco distance). Needs to go another few 100 miles north. We tell him we'll discuss it and get back to him tomorrow. We tell him we take the job, he says he'll pay us half in advanced and Lyra follows him home. He lives in the nice district. The non-magic users go to the village that the conspicuous guy went to. Stark tracks him to an abandoned looking building. At the entrance to the farmhouse there is a symbol like a sun having a solar flare on one-side... It *might* be like a "solar eclipse"... Secret door in the floor of the barn. Dos rips it open and Gesshou jumps right in. Finding a very dusty room, with stone work benches. There is an open door at the end. We go down an elevator and find a series of rooms. We open all the doors. Find a bedroom, dining room (for 6?), bedroom, storage shed (looks like it's been unoccupied for a while), bedroom, Large room with stairs leading to a catwalk. The 5 people who aren't spellcastors fight a shield guardian. And have a "deep" conversation with Bren, or perhaps with the sharp end of his arrow.

D&D: Earsacks full of Panties??

Friday, August 24th, 2007

so the previous time (unupdated) Zook managed to find the Midnight College and then got stranded outside the Greenglen home by Dos, always safety concious and locking up doors.

This time, we followed the meta-gaming hints provided to us and went to visit the Village of Dobson’s Point. Where there was a Copper Dragon defending the village from Hellhounds and other varied creatures. At the village we find that no one has any idea what’s going on or why they’re being attacked. While talking to the villagers the party discovers giant land sharks. Although they have some rediculous 4 claw attack, the party manages to kill the 2 rabid land sharks (whose teeth were worth money, btw). We check the hole from which they emerged but all we managed to find was the awesome smelling meat sack that Sereven found on the terrible Zousa and Co. earlier.

As we step back out of the hole in the ground we are accosted by the copper dragon who is angry that we killed the monsters, which were supposed to be a proof of his heritage. The dragon actually turns out to be Oushioni the half minotaur half dragon previously mentioned. Oushioni, Zousa and the 4 hobgoblins are entangled by Artemis, and fail many many saves to remain entangled for much of the battle. Lyra basically takes out Oushioni (before he does anything) single handedly with a few critical hits and some awesome sneak attack damage. In the end, unfortunately we killed all of the enemy fighters so throughly that we have no idea why Oushioni was doing this, what he was trying to prove or anything like that.

They are presumably carrying much treasure but we haven’t gotten around to that yet. Sereven has already called dibs on the belt.

D&D: Magical Mystery Whores / I’m going to set fire to Dave Minton next time I see him.

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

On Nardosie:
Circular Amulet, Half Ice Blue and Half Flame Red (The Amulet of Icy Hot) (Very brief prayer to Morenna, goddess of protection) <- magic, faint abjuration, An Enduring Amulet (3 charges, renewed at dawn, resistance to cold/fire 10 for one charge, 15 for two charges, 20 for three charges, for one round, immediate action, command = O'fu) Three foot long gray lackerd wooden rod with a spiral groove, requires some save if some one points it at you. <- magic, moderate enchantment. Scroll of some spell. (Cure Critical Wounds) In her forhead, embedded black crystal absorbing ambient light. Sereven removes. <- magic, faint abjuration, "a third eye dampening". Activate to reduce all variable numeric effects magic etc. to the minimum value. once per day. (mental command) In another pocket, wide ovoid medallion with an engraving of two heads facing eachother connected by a jagged energy bolt <- magic (Da'ud = useless), moderate enchantment. Fine craft Flail Fine crafted Light Crossbow <- leaving 20 Crossbow Bolts <- leaving Wearing Fine Studded Leather. <- magic (Da'ud useless), +1 studded leather Miniature Copper Flail. <- VALUABLE Assorted Jewelry - 900gp. (Serven takes an asortment but not all of the above things) Miscelaneous 1 HD Whores have: 14 Copper Flail. Karus: One Small Potion - Potion of Cure Sirius Wounds M.W. Composite Long Bow <- transparent black crystal with faintly glow (lifedrinking) <- magic (Da'ud useless), +1 composite long bow, +2 strength. M.W. Long Sword <- magic, (Da'ud useless), +1 long sword M.W.Dagger Fine Chain Mail Shirt <- magic +1 chain shirt Leather Pouch with 10 Blood Stones Underneath his hair, 2 Filed Down bumps. Like stubby horn things that have been filed down. Nardosie's Quarters: Various Perfumes (mostly cheap) In a hidden drawer in the dresser, find: Set of Ledgers. Exploring the other rooms on the second floor we find trapped goblins. Who do speak common. Sereven gets them food since they seemed malnourished. The flail appears to be the symbol of Nardosie's god. (Apparently it's an archdevil's "holy symbol" whatever that is. Glasya.) Goblins really want to kill Nardosie but haven't yet. Find a human sex slave in another locked room. At the location of the 3rd powerful evil, there is a lavishly decorated room. Ornate wooden box 40gp (small aluminum/iron vial [elixir of swimming], pair of gloves velvet black [Gloves of the starry sky, emit a bright silvery radience like a light spell. 3 times a day, sacrifice a spell slot to cast magic missle], stars swim in the box), Obsidian "statue"-600gp, gold coins (750gp). Find the "dungeon" entrance. There seems to be a magical "shimmering" around the door. our Rouge fails to disable the trap. We wake up Nardosie to make her disable the magic around the door. Finally we find the dungeons that we walked into the first place. We finally let the police in to search the premises and hand over Nardosie. Reading the ledgers we find: Rippers were an attempt by Nardosie to curry favor with M. The eggs of rippers were provided by W. She hasn't ever contacted M directly, but referred to a C as her contact. The Cult of the archdevil, Nardosie has pledged her soul to her, in exchange for influence in the mortal world. She was trying to take over the city using her cult. We find out that if Da'ud bestows forgivness she will be let out of the contract, and Da'ud heads back to police headquarters to do so.

D&D: Oh wait, that’s a city politician.

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

After hours of preparation we storm the whore house from the front entrance.
Only after we bust in did we remember that we were given keys to the whore house, with which we could have snuck in from the back and not been attacked by 7 guards.
Math is hard:

Cat’s Grace = +2 dex modifier
Haste = +30ft to base movement, +1 to attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 to reflex saves, 1 extra damage
Prayer = +1 attack, damage, +1 to saves, +1 to checks, -1 to attack and damage and saves and checks to bad guys.
Shield of Faith = +3 deflection bonus to AC
Divine Protection = +1 morale bonus AC, +1 to saves

So every attack takes forever. really…
We killed 14 whores of which Da’ud bagged half of them. A whore bagging machine, if you will.
We killed Klauss and a summoned devil.
We defeat the boss of the whore house, Alba Nardozie at about midnight.
The last points were dealt non-lethaly so that we could maybe question her about what’s going on.

Amazingly even with missing Artemis, nobody died.

D&D: I’ve been fanny packed

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Zook gets another Library pass to search for spells.
Lyr goes out with Havlock to gather information and learns that there’s a reward out for information about us.
Dos goes to the docks to “question” the sailors and learns that the Greenglen girls are being questioned by a shady character.
Artemis and Daud go to the Library of Sophia to search for spells.
Gesshou stays behind at the police station to wait for information about the thugs, but then finds the thug has escaped leaving an illusion in his place.
Sereven goes to try to get the magic staff identified.

After we all gather together at the fountain for our daily recon, Artemis finds a stalker which we turn over to the police.

D&D: I’ll bring the honey, you bring the meat sacks.

Friday, May 25th, 2007

Zook, Sereven, Daud go to the library to search for spells.
Artemis tries to decide if she wants to get a war horse but can’t decide.

Dos goes to Asaveda to show the clay pot found in the basement of the ettercap lair. They offer 1600 gp for the pot, but Dos decides (after having no idea what the motives are) insists that he would like to speak to Asaveda personally and that she should leave a note at the Broken Mandolin if she were interested in speaking with him.

That evening, we gather together at the fountain to confirm that we have 2 days to wander the town, meeting back at the fountain each evening.

The next day:
Sereven and Zook head to the library. On the way Zook bumps into a bugbear (not a member of the guard) who is insulted by the action, but Sereven steps into save him from a potential beating. The master of the bugbears appears (a giant minotaur) and we find out that they are also adventurers, 1 Minotaur, 1 Goblin (w/ pointy hat), 4 bugbears. Sereven convinces them that they should meet for lunch the day after tomorrow, and the goblin agrees. They’ll bring the meat sacks, she’ll bring the honey.

Dos goes to the docks for the day of Gather information. Kraus has the ability to “vanish”, is sadistic, works for Alba Nardozie (whore mistress person).

Gesshou spots Daud and Artemis walking along to the library, and (amazingly) spots some shady characters following them. Artemis sees Gesshou see the creepy people, and against Daud’s better judgement, Artemis and Gesshou manage to disarm the two guys. Some damage is taken, but things seemed to be going well till Kraus suddenly appears on a rooftop and nearly kills Daud with one shot. Artemis finishes off the two thugs, one of them vaporized, but the other, down to the non-lethal damage levels, and the 3 adventurers dimention door out of the area. At the other end of the dimension door they are caught by the city watch. Although they attempt to argue their way to HQ, they are taken to the local office.

D&D: Wait, Zona Rosa? Is that the red light district?

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

After “discussing” for about an hour about what we were going to do, we ended us splitting up and sending most of the people to the Commondant’s, and Lyr(a) going to go see Adriana Renkin (her employer). Dos is MIA today doing something that we will know about at some later point, presumably. Upon departure we intend to meet up at the Library of Bahamut, and Lyr has already said that she intends to skip town if we aren’t there by the end of the day.

Lyr cleans herself up and goes to the Renkin mansion. Renkin of course is confused as to why Lyr is so concerned about the Magistrate when clearly it’s only the whore house madam who is evil in this situation.

The rest of the party does very little cleaning up and enter city hall. But cleverly have the Medals of Uriel on so that the guy at the reception desk points us to police headquarters. We attempt to subtly open the windows, which almost didn’t work since they prefer the windows closed. Sargent Gorash (bugbear) concedes that we smell so bad that they will leave the windows open for now. After a little chat with the Sargent, the Commondant emerges. The commondant appears genuinely surprised at our story and we offer to lead come troops through the sewers to the ripper lair. Although we find the ripper lair, we are totally unable to find the passageway to the torture chamber. We get out of the lair and receive our reward, a whopping 1k gp each.

Zook buys some scrolls and scopes out the red light district. (He claims it’s to look for the midnight college). When he’s done with it, or rather it is done with him, he goes back to a library to research more spells. But it turns out his library card is expired, so he has to go track down Tabatha Schultz at the University to get a new one. Where he finds her disecting the ripper from the previous day. She shows him the glands that produce the dizzying effect. (Clearly they can make a fortune selling this product on the streets.) She verifies that the rippers are in no way natural and yet not supernatural either. She helps us to identify the properties of the devil that Zook failed a knowledge check on. It’s a “pain devil” specializing in torturing.
Tabatha askes Zook to help identify a number of items: 1) Silvery Blue Feather, 2) big friggin Red Tipped Feather, 3) Black Stone of somekind with a swirl of silver.
1) Avoral wingfeather, a Gardinal (type of celestial), from the heaven plain.
2) Feather from an Enormous Red Tailed Hawk, from the wild plain.
3) Knowledge failed.
The rangers go to the Red Bow to talk it up with the maker of the fancy bows in town. The bowmaker turns out to be a member of the mercenary troop that they defected from a “long time” ago. They get some information about Dereck Kraus (the thug from yesterday) who apparently comes in now and again and buys one or two bows.
Gessho goes to the police headquarters again and finds out that in fact there was a “torture chamber”, but as expected not the hellish one that we found when we nearly died. After “gathering” this information she goes out drinking with the bugbear sargent.
Dos sneaks off after giving Sereven’s hand a little squeeze. (there may or may not be grapple checks and reflex saves involved).
Daud goes to the local hospital and spends the rest of his healing spells.
Lyr, after avoiding the advances of the weaponmaster for more “training”, goes to try scaling the walls of the nearby buildings in an attempt to scope out the magistrate’s house again. After successful checks going over the wall, Lyr enters the magistrate’s house, where she promptly gets mauled by an animated bush, looks like a lion. She runs like hell back rolls about 5 natural 1s, and after finally making it over the last wall, goes to bed.

Immediate future plans are yet unknown.